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OLSAT Test Prep - 1st Grade


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The OLSAT Level B is administered to children in 1st grade who are typically six years old. The OLSAT8 is used by educators to measure verbal and nonverbal skills and is a popular tool which schools use to identify gifted children.

For many children, first grade is a transition period in which they move slowly from a world of play into a world of abstract concepts. Children are introduced to time, money and other symbols and ideas. Questions on the OLSAT8 (first grade entry) assess a first grader’s abstract processes such as their ability to visualize certain situations, grasp main ideas, draw inferences and predict outcomes. Additionally, pictorial reasoning questions are a large focus of the OLSAT Level B. For example, first graders will encounter questions which require them to decide which picture does not belong in a set of five pictures.

The OLSAT contains 60 questions (30 verbal and 30 nonverbal) and children have 77 minutes to complete the test from start to finish. Since not all children in first grade are fluent readers, directions, examples, and questions are read aloud to students. If your child is not proficient in English, you can request to take the test in another language.

The more familiar your child is with the OLSAT8, the better he/she will do on the exam. TestPrepOnline invites you to learn more about our tailored, online OLSAT Level B practice packs which include hundreds of practice questions, fulllength tests, and study guides.

Prepare your 1st grader for the OLSAT with TestPrepOnline's Premium Pack. This pack includes two fulllength, realistic practice tests, helpful study guides, and hundreds of additional sample questions.

posted by calaminem5d