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⭐ Orange Blossom Honey - Hive Pickup - So much to learn about these bees.

Jim Wellman

This is the first season that I transported a beehive to the Orange Groves in Central Florida in search of Orange Blossom Honey (2019). I'd only had colonies for a short period of time that didn't actually swarm on me, so I figured I'd attempt to collect a different kind of honey than what came from my backyard.

I learned a few things from this trip, which I'll discuss in the episode. Each journey is a learning experience. For example, I wasn't too happy with the amount of honey I'd collected, so I almost made the decision to move the hives to collect Tupelo before extracting the Orange Blossom Honey. After weighing the pros and cons, I came to my senses and extracted the OB Honey before collecting Tupelo Honey. I'm so glad I did. These two honeys are so distinct from each other that it would be a shame to waste their uniqueness on a blend; however, that does sound pretty good. I think I'll try it sometime.

The trip home with the hive took about 3 hours in my Jeep. And yes, the bees are inside with me on the way home. I strap the hive down and close off the entrance with newspaper before I leave, so I feel pretty confident nothing can escape. When looking back on things, I probably should have used a net as well. No bees escaped on this journey, so I'll chalk it up as a win.

These links can help to purchase more beekeeping equipment:
Here's the mosquito net I bought for my next trips:

VIVO Honey Extractor (4 Deep or 8 Medium Frame):
Honey Strainer:
Honey Gate:
Honey Bears 8 ounce: This isn't the exact bear I used, but close.
Uncapping Fork:
Space Heater:

As we move through the seasons; one nectar flow starts and another begins. I'll continue to post my experiences as I transport my beehives around Florida in search of the next great nectar source. I hope you enjoy the bumpy ride.

Beekeeping Series Episodes (BKS)

For a taste of my honey:
#JimWellman Orange Blossom, Tupelo, and Wildflower

posted by epilmwilmhw