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Oshkosh 2020 Part V: Fini. Final Leg back to Seattle

Ace the Flying Aardvark

The final installment of the Oshkosh 2020 replacement trip. Just a couple of RVs flying across the country and back even though Oshkosh was cancelled. In this last let we leave Sioux Falls, fly low over the Badlands, then on to KRAP, Bozeman, Spokane, and home to Seattle.
This was an awesome trip. The places we saw, people we met, things we did…all of it such a great time. If you ever have the chance to fly across the country with your friends…DO IT!!!

#OSH20 #VansAircraft #Airventure

0:00 Intro
0:46 Takeoff from Sioux Falls
3:40 Flying over the Badlands
6:57 At KRAP
8:43 Approaching Spokane
10:36 Into Whidbey (W10)

posted by Torlettinx