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Others judgement doesn't matter your own does (learn to trust yourself)

Vanessa Naumann

In this video we talk about the fear that many have: what if they don't like me / my service / what I offer / who I am, etc...
Here is what I learned about it that had such positive impact in my life and I wanna play it forward to you, because I don't want that fear to limit you. All we gotta do is accept ourselves and the fact that not everyone is gonna like us and move forward.

Share your experience with me in the comments. Sharing is caring :)
With love, Vanessa.

How you can work with me:

Join one of my online breathwork sessions for selfgrowth, emotional release and selftrust:

Book a 1:1 Somatic Unblocking Session to work on your specific challenges

Free Resources:

Try this emotional release meditation to help you process emotions and connect to the core wound of your trigger or negative narrative
(it's called anger release but it works for any strong emotion)
   • Emotional Processing Meditation (conn...  

#youareenough #beyourself #courage #selfexpression #selfrespect #emotionalprocessing #expandyourconsciousness #curiosity #emotionaltriggers #triggerrelease #nervoussystemregulation #sensitivity #heartopening #heartcentered #hearthealing #poweroftheheart #highlysensitiveperson #innerstability #slowprogress #being #beinghuman #trust #patience #allowing #nervoussystemregulation #awakening #selfhealing #emotionalprocessing #innerfreedom #selfrespect #selfresponsibility #compassion #authenticity #partswork

Hey there, I'm Vanessa. Welcome to my corner of the internet. I'm a somatic therapist, breathwork teacher and sound artist. I have a deep desire to help people discover and accept who they are at the core, own their gifts and learn to thrive in their unique way. Because being yourself is the most beautiful contribution you could bring into the world. I have gone through this selfdiscovery and healing journey myself and know how it feels to carry that backpack full of fear, doubt, wounds and trauma. If I can do it, you can too and in these videos I share my personal and professional experiences on how to liberate yourself. Take what resonates and leave the rest for someone else.

posted by czardasd8