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AP Archive

(1 Dec 1999) Spanish/Eng/Nat
The United State's last military base has been handed over to Panama, ending almost one hundred years of military presence on the isthmus.
As children cheered and waved Panamanian flags, a US Army colonel gave Panama's president a symbolic key to the final military base in the former US controlled Canal Zone.
The handover comes one month before the canal itself becomes Panamanian property.
Fort Clayton was the nerve centre of the American military operations in the region.
Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso was on hand to see the Panamanian flag raised in the US flag's stead.
Also present, was Simon Ferro, US Ambassador to Panama.
In Washington, President Bill Clinton said the United States has no second thoughts about relinquishing control of the Panama Canal and is confident Panama's government will do a good job of operating the waterway.
This was echoed by a US Colonel on hand to present to Panama's president a symbolic key to the final military base in the former Canal Zone.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
" It is with the knowledge that what the United States has accomplished during the years, will be utilized to continue to build this great nation. Augment its growing economy and improve the quality of life for the people of Panama. Ladies and Gentlemen thank you, and on behalf of the United States Army, good bye.
SUPER CAPTION: Colonel Schumann, US military
The base was handed over in accordance with the 1978 Panama Canal treaties requiring the United States to surrender control of the canal and to remove all US troops by December 31, 1999.
There is a concluding handover ceremony taking place in Panama in midDecember.
For many attending Tuesday's event, it marked a special occasion for relations between the two countries.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
" Certainly I feel sadness but that isn't out a sense of regret or frustration that we are giving up all this area. The sense of loss I feel is that I am leaving part of my life I am leaving the past of me that played when I played soccer in that field (points to field ) or the part of me that worked with friends or ran miles in laps here. Or went to jungle schools 18 years ago. So, the sadness is very simply that I am leaving a part of my life back here. By, the same token I am taking some of it with me, my Panamanian wife."
SUPER CAPTION: Lieutenant Colonel Byron Conover
But Panama's President made it clear that this was the last time a US military presence would be allowed on Panama's soil.
SOUNDBITE: (Spanish)
" Many have speculated on the trip that a group of officials made to the US. I will make clear, categorically, that this government will not negotiate any deal that might mean the continuation of the US military presence here. "
SUPER CAPTION: Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso
Some members of the US Congress are worried that China is positioning itself to take over the canal through a Hong Kongbased company, Hutchison Whampoa Ltd., which has been granted lease arrangements to operate ports at each end of the canal.
But President Clinton, while not disputing suggestions about Chinese control of the Canal, said he believed the Chinese would act responsibly.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"I think the Chinese will in fact be bending over backwards to make sure that they run it in a competent and able and fair manner. This is like China coming into the WTO. I think they want to demonstrate to a distant part of the world that they can be a responsible partner and I would be very surprised if any adverse circumstances come out of the Chinese running the canal."

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