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Pastor Jim's Binocular Vision Dysfunction Story

Vision Specialists of Michigan

Pastor Jim’s symptoms gradually escalated until he eventually stopped driving, was unable to work, and was unable to enjoy life as he had known it. With aligning glasses to correct his eye misalignment, he is able to return to his life as he had known it. And, in accompanying Pastor Jim to Vision Specialists, his wife and daughter find they, too, suffer from many symptoms of Binocular Vision Dysfunction.

Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD) causes symptoms like a headache, neck ache, dizziness, nausea, anxiety, and reading difficulties.

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Vision Specialists of Michigan has been pioneering the work of NeuroVisual Medicine since the early 2000s, helping over 15,000 patients with the symptoms of Binocular Vision Dysfunction.

posted by morganepaquet7e