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Pears | Planting a pear tree

Rooftop Gardening Secrets

This means that this is the surface of the soil in relation to the bag, and this is the surface of the soil of the barrel in which I will plant it.

In this video, we will learn how to plant a pear tree correctly. We will discuss the factors to consider when choosing the right site, how to prepare the soil, how to choose seedlings, how to plant, and how to care for the tree.

Factors to consider when choosing the appropriate location:

Exposure to sunlight: Pear or pear trees need 68 hours of direct sunlight daily.
Soil type: Pear or pear trees prefer welldrained soil, with a pH between 66.5.
Climatic conditions: Pear or pear trees tolerate cold temperatures, but it is better to plant them in areas that are not exposed to severe frost.

How to prepare the soil:

Remove weeds and weeds from the area designated for planting.
Add organic fertilizer or chemical fertilizer to the soil.
Loosen the soil to a depth of 30 cm.

How to choose seedlings:

Choose seedlings with strong roots and healthy green leaves.
Choose seedlings of disease and pestresistant varieties.

How to plant:

Dig a hole 60 cm wide and deep.
Place the pear or pear seedling in the hole, so that the soil level is about 2.5 cm above the original soil level.
Fill the hole with soil, then compact it gently.
Water the seedling well.

How to care for the tree:

Water the tree regularly, especially during the summer.
Fertilize the tree once a year, in the spring.
Prune the tree every year, to remove dead, diseased or tangled branches.
Protect the tree from pests and diseases.

At the end of this video, you will have learned how to plant a pear tree correctly. Using these tips, you can grow a healthy and fruitful tree in your home.

Growing pears or pears: How do you get fresh fruits in your home?
Cultivation of pears or pears: a comprehensive guide for novice growers
Cultivation of pears or pears: 10 important tips
Cultivation of pears or pears: secrets of successful cultivation
Cultivation of pears or pears: a profitable and easy project
Planting pears or pears: even if you do not have a garden
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Cultivation of pears or pears: health benefits of pears
Requirements for successful cultivation of a pear or pear tree
Important information to improve pear/pear/European pear tree production
How to force a pear tree to bear fruit within one season
Pear tree pruning techniques
Pear pear methods of reproduction, fertilization, irrigation and diseases Pyrus

Pear cultivation
Cultivation of pear trees
Pear tree
How to grow pears
Steps for growing pears
Tips for growing pears
Growing pears at home
Growing pears in pots
Benefits of pears
Pear varieties
Pear diseases
Pear pests

#Organic Agriculture

After watching the entire video on the channel
Rooftop Cultivation Secrets
You will be able to grow pears, control blights, water and fertilize after the flowering period at home on the roof or on the balcony.

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posted by punkdomino8a