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Pilot requested PARAMEDICS at the gate | IAero Airways Boeing 737-400 | Miami airport

You can see ATC


03MAR2021. An IAero Airways Boeing 737400 (B734), registration N430XA, performing flight SWQ1997 from Miami international airport, FL (USA) to Las Americas International airport (Dominican Republic), after departure, about at 23000 feet, requested return back and reported about medical emergency on board. The pilot requested ambulance to meet the airplane at the gate.

PART OF TEXT VERSION OF COMMUNICATIONS THAT I'M ABLE TO INCLUDE HERE. Do you want more? Write in comments and I'll give you remaining part of text communications (Read if subtitles in video were fast):

COMMETNS: SWQ1997 is climbing out of Miami. In a moment the pilot will contact Center controller.
SWQ1997: Miami Center, good morning, SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, leaving 14000 climbing 16000.
CENTER: SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, Miami Center, climb and maintain FL230.
SWQ1997: Climbing FL230, SWIFTFLIGHT 1997.
CENTER: SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, climb and maintain FL290.
SWQ1997: Miami, SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, we need to stop at FL230 for a while, if possible.
CENTER: SPIRITWINGS 1997, maintain 230 knots… Correction, SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, maintain FL230.
SWQ1997: Okay, maintaining FL230, SWIFTFLIGHT 1997.
CENTER: SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, why do you need to stop at FL230, you have an issue with your aircraft?
SWQ1997: No, sir. We have a passenger who doesn't feel very well. We're trying to solve the situation and will let you know, SWIFTFLIGHT 1997.
SWQ1997: SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, request.
CENTER: SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, go ahead.
SWQ1997: Yes, sir we need to return…
CENTER: SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, roger, fly heading 190, vectors to Miami.
SWQ1997: Ok, maintaining 190, vectors to Miami.
CENTER: SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, cleared to Miami international airport via direct FLIPR, FLIPR SEVEN arrival, cross FLIPR at 10000, Miami altimeter 2998.
SWQ1997: Ok, direct FLIPR, FLIPR SEVEN arrival…
CENTER: SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, cross FLIPR at 10000.
SWQ1997: FLIPR 10000, SWIFTFLIGHT 1997.
CENTER: SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, and it’s still vector 270, when able direct FLIPR.
SWQ1997: Yes, sir, we…
CENTER: SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, I need some information on the passenger. I need the gender, age, the medical issue and do you need assistance on the ground?
SWQ1997: Yes, the only assistance we're gonna need is paramedics. She has difficulty with breathing.
CENTER: SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, is there a doctor on board?
SWQ1997: Say it again.
CENTER: SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, do you have a doctor on board?
SWQ1997: No, we don’t. We are… Flight attendants are treating her.
SWQ1997: SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, contact Miami Approach, 120.5.
CENTER: 20.5, 1997, good morning.
SWQ1997: Miami Approach, good morning, SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, 13100 to 10000, with J.
APPROACH: SWIFTFLIGHT 1997, Miami Approach, good morning, what runway do you need? And when able say your gate.
SWQ1997: Ok, we're trying to get the gate right now. We can do 27 and we would like to have rescue meet the airplane on arrival, to the gate, please.

This is maximum I can write here. Do you want more? Write in comments and I'll give you remaining part of text communications

THE MAIN VALUE IS EDUCATION. This reconstruction will be useful for actual or future air traffic controllers and pilots, people who plan to connect life with aviation, who like aviation. With help of this video reconstruction you’ll learn how to use radiotelephony rules, Aviation English language and general English language (for people whose native language is not English) in situation in flight, which was shown. THE MAIN REASON I DO THIS IS TO HELP PEOPLE TO UNDERSTAND EVERY EMERGENCY SITUATION, EVERY WORD AND EVERY MOVE OF AIRCRAFT.

Source of communications – https://www.liveatc.net/ (I have a permission (Letter) for commercial use of radio communications from LiveATC.net).
Map, aerial pictures (License (ODbL) ©OpenStreetMap https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyrig...) Permission for commercial use, royaltyfree use.
Radar screen (In new versions of videos) – Made by author.
Text version of communication – Made by Author.
Video editing Made by author.

1) I monitor media, airspace, looking for any nonstandard, emergency and interesting situation.
2) I find communications of ATC unit for the period of time I need.
3) I take only phrases between air traffic controller and selected flight.
4) I find a flight path of selected aircraft.
5) I make an animation (early couple of videos don’t have animation) of flight path and aircraft, where the aircraft goes on his route.
6) When I edit video I put phrases of communications to specific points in video (in tandem with animation).
7) Together with my comments (voice and text) I edit and make a reconstruction of emergency, nonstandard and interesting situation in flight.

posted by FamyPeecefh