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Plastic Bottle Drip Water Irrigation | It works evenly for a month

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1)How to make drip irrigation from a bottle, which can be configured for one day, week, month, as much as you want.

2) Take a twoliter bottle. We measure out about ten centimeters from the bottom and carefully cut it off.

3) Next, the cut bottom must be pressed into the ground. Sprinkle a little around the earth and compact, so that it stands steady. Do not strengthen anything else.

4) Insert a one and a half liter bottle and measure the level with a marker or you can just remember where the level is.

5) Below the level of two centimeters you need to make a hole. Hole size centimeter per centimeter or
a bit more. If you get water into a bottle and put it on the ground,
then air must constantly flow into the bottle, if air bubbles stop, then the hole must be increased.

6) To evenly drip water from the bottle, we will use the capillary properties of any cloth.
To do this, take a piece of foil and a strip of any rag two centimeters wide and the length you need.
The rag should be wet, so that watering works faster.

7) Wrap a rag in foil and slightly tighten, but not much.

8) Bend the resulting spout and insert it into the bottom of the bottle.

9) Next, in a one and a half liter bottle, close the hole with your finger, draw water and insert into the bottom. Raise a little
a bottle. We are waiting for the water to completely fill the bottom. This is necessary in order for the watering to start working.

10) So, the water is near the level, the spout is slightly lower than the hole in the bottle.
After five to ten minutes, water begins to drip. But in the beginning it drips very quickly.

11) To adjust the speed of watering, you need to wait for the water level to go down to the hole in the bottle and into the bottle air will get in.

12) I set up watering for 7 days. To do this, twist the nose and squeeze a little. Twist and through
a couple of minutes measure how many seconds between drops. I set up in about one drop in 25
seconds. To adjust for two weeks, between the drops should be approximately 5060 seconds. If you want to adjust for a month,
that between the drops should be approximately 1.5 to 2 minutes. A month is for indoor small and medium plants.

13) To change the bottle, you must close the hole with your finger, pour water, insert into the bottom and forget about watering for 7 days.
You do not need to do anything else, drip irrigation works automatically.

14) During a cold snap, when the plant needs significantly less water, since much less moisture evaporates
from leaves, this watering is slowed down, because when the temperature decreases, the viscosity of the water increases.

15) At night, watering also slows down, as the temperature decreases. Plants need less water at this time.

16) During rain, the bottom of the bottle is filled with rainwater and since the water level rises above the hole, water from
bottles are not consumed, which is also a significant advantage of this irrigation.

17) Here I will show a slightly different version of drip irrigation. The bottle is lying down. We use the same
rag and foil spout.
This may come in handy for some of you.

18) You can also use 6 liter bucks.
Such bucks are enough for a month of watering.

19) The experiment is to
see if such watering is enough for normal plant growth. And what will be the harvest compared to
ordinary drip irrigation.

20) Such irrigation can also be used for domestic plants. Cut the bottom of a twoliter bottle of 10 centimeters.
We insert one and a half liter into it and mark the level. We make a hole of about 1.5 centimeters by 1.5 centimeters.

21) Take a piece of cloth two centimeters wide and wrap it in foil.

22) On the stand we put the bottom of the bottle. We insert a bottle of water and fill the bottom completely.

23) Bend and insert into the bottle.

24) We wait 510 minutes and the watering starts to work.

25) When the water drops to the hole in the bottle and air begins to flow into it, then you need to adjust the nozzle.
To do this, twist it and after a few minutes make a measurement. For such a small plant, I put one drop
in one minute, which is enough for two weeks of watering.

26) Who liked the video, like it. Instead of bottles you can use
other suitable containers. It all depends on your imagination.

posted by piojueloub