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Plutonium - The MOST GUARDED Metal on Earth!

Thoisoi2 - Chemical Experiments!

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Hi everyone! As you must have understood this video is going to be about such a radioactive metal as plutonium. It has been shrouded in secrecy since the day it was discovered and right until our days. I find it annoying sometimes.
The history of the discovery of the element with atomic number 96 began in 1940 when Glenn Seaborg and his team of scientists bombarded an atom of uranium 238 with deuterons in a cyclotron, one of the first particle accelerator. As a result of this reaction they got neptunium, which turned into plutonium 238 thanks to the beta decay. However, this isotope wasn’t susceptible to spontaneous division and wasn’t suitable for making nuclear weapons, which the government of the United States was in dire need of back then, because they needed to invent it before the Nazi Germany. Half a year later The Americans managed to create isotope 239 of the new element by bombardment with neurons of uranium salt, which, as later tests confirmed, was more suitable for nuclear weapons than uranium 235. The new element with the atomic number 94 was named plutonium after the planet was discovered in 1930 Plutonium. According to the latest classification it no longer qualifies as a planet, however the element preserved its name.

posted by miha39