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POSNA KRALJICA slane kocke za Vašu posnu Slavu - Sladjini recepti

Slađini recepti

Sa ponosom ove slane kocke nazivam POSNA KRALJICA , jer kada spremam posnu slavu one na stolu deluju kraljevski a o ukusu sa oduševljenjem pričaju moji gosti .

2 kore od velike oblande isčemo na 4 dela
1dl kisele vode
1dl piva
4 kašika ajvara
9 kašika brašna (120g)
1/2 kašičice soli
1/2 kašičice praška za pecivo.... dobijenu smesu podeliti na dva dela i ispeći dve kore na oblandi. Peći na 200C 10 min.
1 dl kisele vode
1 dl piva
100g spanaća
9 kašika brašna (120 g.)
1/2 kašičice soli
1/2 kašičice praška za pecivo.... dobijenu smesu podeliti na dva dela i ispeći dve kore na oblandi. Peći na 200C 10 min.
100g posnog margarina
200g šampinjona
150g krastavčića
12 kašike senfa
100g kačkavalja
1/2 kašičice kurkume
1/2 kašičice začina
1/2 kašičice bibera
1/2 kašičice origana
Premazati tortu samo odozgo sa:
20 g. mrvljenog krekera
23 kašike majoneza
Propržiti iseckane šampinjone sa 50 g. posnog margarina zatim dodati još 50g posnog margarina i sve začine, ohladiti pa šampinjone sastaviti sa iseckanim krastavčićima ,dodati majonez,senf kačkavalj i kurkumu.
Sve izmešati pa filovati kore:
Zelena kora pa fil , crvena kora pa fil , pa 50g slanih posnih krekera poredjati krekere na filu odozgo ponovo fil ,pa zelena kora ,pa opet fil i crvena kora.
Tortu premazati sa mrvljenim krekerom i majonezom posuti tortu izmrvljenim krekerima.

Cut 2 crusts from a large wafer into 4 parts
1 dl of sour water
1 dl of beer
4 spoons of ajvar
9 spoons of flour (120g)
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder... divide the resulting mixture into two parts and bake two crusts on a wafer. Bake at 200C for 10 min.
1 dl of sour water
1 dl of beer
100g of spinach
9 spoons of flour (120 g.)
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder... divide the resulting mixture into two parts and bake two crusts on a wafer. Bake at 200C for 10 min.
100g of lean margarine
200g of champignons
150g of cucumbers
12 tablespoons of mustard
100g of cheese
1/2 teaspoon of turmeric
1/2 teaspoon of spices
1/2 teaspoon of pepper
1/2 teaspoon of oregano
Cover the top of the cake only with:
20 years crumbled cracker
23 spoons of mayonnaise
Fry chopped mushrooms with 50 g. of lowfat margarine, then add another 50g of lowfat margarine and all the spices, cool, then assemble the mushrooms with chopped cucumbers, add mayonnaise, mustard, cheese and turmeric.
Mix everything and fill the crusts:
Green crust, then filling, red crust, then filling, then 50g of salted lean crackers, arrange the crackers on top of the filling, filling again, then green crust, then again filling and red crust.
Coat the cake with crushed crackers and mayonnaise, sprinkle the cake with crushed crackers.

#posna #kraljica #slane #kocke #slava #sladjinirecepti #recepti

Ako su Vam potrebne modlice za Vaše kolače zapratite:
GMS Design

posted by Holandijier