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Post-Traumatic Growth: Healing from Trauma and Vicarious Trauma

Phoenix Trauma Center & Dr Scott Giacomucci

This video introduces the phenomenon of PostTraumatic Growth presented by Dr. Scott Giacomucci. Growth after trauma is not only possible, but also quite likely! Many trauma survivors experience posttraumatic growth in various areas instead of, or in addition to, posttraumatic stress. There are five domains of posttraumatic growth covered in the research and in this video. The concept of vicarious posttraumatic growth is also introduced as a potentiality for professionals working with trauma.

Order Dr. Scott Giacomucci's new book, TraumaInformed Principles in Group Therapy, Psychodrama, and Organizations: Action Methods for Leadership https://www.amazon.com/TraumaInforme...

Free access to Dr. Scott's book, Social Work, Sociometry, & Psychodrama (see chapters 7 and 9 for related content) https://link.springer.com/book/10.100...

Preorder Dr. Scott's forthcoming book, TraumaInformed Principles in Group Therapy, Psychodrama, and Organizations: Action Methods for Leadership https://www.amazon.com/TraumaInforme...

Free handout on PostTraumatic Growth https://www.phoenixtraumacenter.com/p...

Info on Vicarious PostTraumatic Growth https://www.phoenixtraumacenter.com/v...

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