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During Session 5, electronic waste sites of accumulation were introduced by the speakers, emphasising several models of production and care across the globe. BLANCA CALLÉN shared her current projects on repair techniques. Later, GRACE AKESE introduced the forces shaping ewaste landscapes. BAS VAN ABEL later highlighted the connections between technology and circular economies. The session ended with a conversation between inventor VEENA SAHAJWALLA and design critic ALICE RAWSTHORN on material flows, waste management, and recirculation.

Contributions by:
Blanca Callen, Lecturer and Researcher, University of Vic and Cofounder of Restarters BCN
Grace Akese, Geographer, Research Fellow, African Cluster of Excellence, University of Bayreuth
Bas Van Abel, Entrepreneur, Designer, Founder of Fairphone and De Clique
Veena Sahajwalla, Materials Scientist, Director of UNSW Sustainable Materials Research and Technology Centre
Alice Rawsthorn, Author of Design as an Attitude, cofounder of Design Emergency

posted by lomnochtau4