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Prayer to Our Lady of Poondi

Miracle Catholic

Join us in this heartfelt prayer to Our Lady of Poondi, invoking her maternal love and divine intercession. This prayer, rich in devotion and faith, seeks comfort, healing, and blessings for ourselves and our loved ones. Our Lady of Poondi is known for her miracles and grace, and this prayer is a beautiful way to connect with her compassionate spirit.

Prayer Text:

O Most Loving Mother,
You have taken Poondi as your abode by God's divine pleasure.
You have been privileged to distribute heavenly gifts even in seemingly impossible cases.
It is your maternal love for us that prompts you to lavishly bestow love and grace,
Not only in Poondi but also in all the four corners of this vast universe.
For this, we render our heartfelt gratitude.

Loving Saviour and our Lord Jesus Christ,
With anguished hearts, we have been searching in vain for divine comfort and consolation.
We thank you for giving your Mother to us as our Loving Mother in our earthly journey.
We prostrate ourselves before you, O Most Merciful Mother,
Convinced as we are that you are always pleased to listen to your children's distress calls.
Help us to realise your maternal concern for us, and your power and protection.
Free us from all bodily afflictions, mental agony, anxiety, dejection, loneliness,
And whatever afflicts our soul and body, once and for all.
May we receive all heavenly gifts, by God's will and through your intercession.
Bless each one of my family members and all those who are dear to me and are your loving children.

(Mention your requests here.)

Hail Mary (x3)

Hail Mary, full of grace,
The Lord is with thee;
Blessed art thou among women,
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Our Lady of Poondi, pray for us.

Tags: #miraclecatholic #OurLadyOfPoondi #catholicprayer #hailmary #divinecomfort #spiritualhealing #mothermarysprotection #catholicdevotion #faithandprayer #jesus #healingprayer #christianfaith

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