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Proč je domácí škola vhodná pro káždé dítě ale ne každého rodiče? | Irena Kašparová | TEDxPragueED

TEDx Talks

Irena Kašparová založila obor sociální antropologie v Brně na Masarykově univerzitě, který dodnes vede. Aby s příchodem dětí našla tu správnou rovnováhu mezi prácí a rodinou, rozhodla se pro domácí školu. Její zkušenosti s domácí výukou čtyř dětí si můžete přečíst v knize “SPOLU Průvodce domácím vzdělávání v ČR”, kterou letos vydala. Irena Kašparová established a new field of study, Social Anthropology, at Masaryk University in Brno, which she is still chairing. She chose to home school her four children, of which she wrote a book TOGETHER. A Guide to Homeschooling in the Czech Republic (SPOLU. Průvodce domácím vzděláváním v ČR), published this year. Irena Kašparová has never felt like an alternative person. She went to primary and secondary schools during the Communist Era and to university after the Velvet Revolution. Her dream had always been to explore unknown indigenous tribes of Amazonia. However, she lived in a Roma settlement in Slovakia for a year and then in Scotland for three years before seizing an awesome opportunity to establish a new field of study, Social Anthropology, at Masaryk University in Brno, which she is still chairing. Then she had children and so had to face a new dilemma of how to combine her professional goals with the family life. In the end she chose to home school her four children, of which she wrote a book TOGETHER. A Guide to Homeschooling in the Czech Republic (SPOLU. Průvodce domácím vzděláváním v ČR), published this year. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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