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Professional English On The Telephone - 38 Useful Phrases

Derek Callan - English for Professionals

Learn how to speak professional English on the telephone in this short lesson. 38 really useful phrases to help you feel more confident when speaking English on the phone.

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Answering the phone
Hello, (company name) + (your full name) followed by speaking and how can/may I help you?
Hello, English for professionals, Derek Callan speaking, how may I help you?

Making a call/ Saying who’s calling
Hello, this is (name) from (company). Could I speak to … please? I’d like to speak to …
Hello, this is Derek Callan from English for Professionals. Could I speak to … please? I’d like to speak to …
I’m a colleague of …. He/she said I should call you about …

Giving a reason for the call
I’m calling in connection with …
I’m calling with regard to …
I’m calling to inform you about/discuss/arrange …

Asking who’s calling
May I ask who’s calling?
May I have your name, please?
I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch your name at the start, would you mind repeating it?

Saying it’s you
Caller: Could I please speak to (your name) Derek Callan?
Derek: Speaking.
You could also say
Yes, this is he/she or a little less formal:
You’re speaking to him/her.

Connecting the caller
Just a moment please, I'll connect you now.
Just a moment please, I’ll put you through now.

Asking the caller to wait
Do you mind if I put you on hold?
Would you mind holding?

Saying that the other person isn’t available
I’m sorry, but he’s not available at the moment.
I’m afraid she’s on another call.

Taking a message
Would you like to leave a message?
I’ll ask her to call you back as soon as I see her.

If you’d like to leave a message, I’ll make sure she gets it.

Dealing with connection problems
I’m sorry but you’re breaking up, there must be a bad connection. I can barely/hardly hear you.
I’m afraid the reception here isn’t very good. Can I call you back a little later?

Dealing with quiet speakers
Could you speak up, please?
Would you mind speaking a little louder, please?

Dealing with fast speakers
I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat it, please?
Could you please speak a little slower?

If they don't slow down
I’m very sorry, but I’m having trouble following you. Please slow down.
I’m really sorry, but if you don’t speak more slowly, I simply won’t be able to understand you.

If the speaker ignores your requests for them to slow down, then you might even have to end the call:
I’m very sorry, but I think I’ll have to end the call. It doesn’t make sense continuing if I can’t follow you.

Checking information
I just want to make sure I got your name right –It’s Patel, PATEL, right?
Would you mind spelling your name for me?
So that’s “T” as in TANGO?
So that’s “Y” as in YANKEE?
Let me just read that back to you, please.

International Spelling Alphabet
A Alfa J Juliett S Sierra
B Bravo K Kilo T Tango
C Charlie L Lima U Uniform
D Delta M Mike V Victor
E Echo N November W Whiskey
F Foxtrot O Oscar X Xray
G Golf P Papa Y Yankee
H Hotel Q Quebec Z Zulu
I India R Romeo

Ending the call
Is there anything else I can help you with?
It was nice talking to you.
Thank you very much for your call.
Have a nice afternoon/evening/weekend
Thanks and speak to you soon.

Find out more about me:

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Instagram:   / derekcallan.  .
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Music credits:
Intro music: Far Away by MK2
Background music: Honey and Milk by The 126ers

posted by preciznojgr