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Protect Your WordPress Site with Cloudflare

Suburbia Press

There are always people and bots who are attacking your WordPress website.

They want to gain access to do something malicious or steal from you.

There are a handful of WordPress security plugins to help protect you, but there's a problem with them.

The attacker has to get to your web server before they work. That means you're using your bandwidth, CPU, RAM, and other resources to fight them off.

What if you have a bouncer to repel them before they got in the door to your server?

That's where Cloudflare steps up to combat the bots and undesirable characters at the edge of the network before they ever get to your website server.

In this video, I'll show you the benefits of using a FREE Cloudflare plan to protect your website.

You'll learn how to set it up and why you have so much to gain by using Cloudflare to enhance performance and protect your website.

Website:  https://suburbiapress.com

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posted by detestetzc4