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QUEEN RADHA | Full Short Film | Story of Radha rani's origin | Radhastami 2022 | HG Maha Vishnu Dasa

Hare Krishna Golden Temple

QUEEN RADHA | Full Short Film | Story of Radha rani's origin | Radhastami 2022 | HG Maha Vishnu Dasa

Busting Myths About Srimati Radharani :

Srimati Radharani first opened Her eyes only when Sri Krishna appeared before Her. Until that time Her eyes were closed. Understanding the mellows of the relationship between Krishna and Radha is impossible from the mundane perspective.

A reason given as to why Sukadeva Goswami did not directly mention Srimati Radharani's name in the SrimadBhagavatam is because Maharaja Pariksit had only seven days to live, and uttering Radhika's name would have thrown Sukadeva into ecstatic trance for six months. In the Brahmavaivarta Purana, it is mentioned sri radhanama mantrena murcha sanmasiki bhavetnoccareta mata spastam pariksit hit krn munih: if SukadevaGoswami uttered the name of Srimati Radhika, he would at once remember Her pastimes. Due to his radhaprema he would have become avistacitta, excited and fixed in remembering Her pastimes and activities in the service of Krsna. He would then have become internally fixed on Krsna and inert for six months. But Pariksit Maharaja had only seven days to live and Sukadeva wanted him to have the benefit of the entire SrimadBhagavatam.

Why would Sukadeva Goswami go into an ecstatic trance at the mere mention of the name of Srimati Radhika? In his commentary on his own Brhadbhagavatamrta, Sanatana Goswami writes, "Srimati Radhika was the worshipable goddess of Sukadeva Goswami, so whenever he uttered Her name, he would become avistacitta, internally spiritually excited and externally inert. So in theSrimadBhagavatam he has given the name of Radhika and other gopis in a hidden way." Sukadeva Goswami has therefore not uttered Her name directly, but only indirectly. According to the rasasastra, an indirect utterance is better than a direct one.

So Sukadeva Goswami also uttered the gopis names indirectly, asin 'anayaradhito' (SrimadBhag. 10.30.28), which indicates that gopi by whom Krsna was perfectly worshipped, Srimati Radhika. Arasikabhakta can understand that it was Srimati Radhika who had most perfectly worshipped Krsna, who Krsna had taken away from the rasasthali (the arena of the rasa dance), and whom He had disappeared with in the forest. It was only this gopi whose head and feet Krsna had decorated in a place. Even upon uttering the word 'aradhito', which indicates Srimati Radharani and sounds so much like Her name, Sukadeva Goswami at once started becoming avistacitta. But after becoming so emotional, he then changed the subject.

Also in verse 2.4.14 of SrimadBhagavatam, Sukadeva Goswami used the word 'radhasa ', meaning Krsna's unequalled opulence, as an indirect reference to Srimati Radhika. Sanatana Goswami says that in the five chapters of the Tenth Canto of the Bhagavatam which describe rasa, in the Gopigita, in the Bhramaragita, and in the Uddhavasandesa, Sukadeva Goswami has also carefully used other words to indirectly denote Srimati Radhika. He has used the words kascid doham hitva in verse 10.29.5, the words tais taih padaisin verse 10.30.26, the words yam gopim anayat in verse 10.30.35,the words sa vadhur anvatapyata in verse 10.30.38, and the word skacit karambujam saurer in verse 10.32.4. Each of these quotes denote Srimati Radhika and the other gopis. Those who are rasikabhaktas, whose eyes are open, can see the names of thegopis and the name of Srimati Radhika everywhere, but those who are blind cannot. Therefore, we are especially grateful to Sanatana Goswami, for without his revealing these truths to us, we could never understand.
#Radharani #radheradhe #hgmahavishnudasa

posted by jarda1s