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Race Prep For Dale's 1971 Dodge Demon (And A Novice Driver) With

Dead Dodge Garage

If you watch my channel frequently, then you definitely know that I am no seasoned drag racer. My previous drag racing experience consists of some amateur arm drop runs on a semiabandoned air strip, and two outings to a local track with a grand total of five test and tune passes. But I really enjoy it, and I'm pretty sure with some practice, I can learn how to launch like a pro. Thanks to our usual Washington weather, my chance at some more test runs before hitting the road for this adventure was rained out. But today, I've landed in Arkansas and ‪@JustMoparJoe‬'s back yard. Let's see if his assistance in car setup and tutelage on the starting line can whip my racing program into shape.

posted by Rhymnisb