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Rafy - For Your Self-Tape Needs!

Rafy App

With Rafy, actors can run their lines, selftape, and improve their auditioning skills all within the app without the need of a reader. Rafy’s AIbased technology can scan your PDF script/sides, extract the dialogues and character information (while ignoring stage direction, annotations, etc) and assign voices for each character, that the user can customize by choosing an age range, gender and accent of their choice. Once you’re ready, Rafy can record you through the phone’s camera, listen to your lines and trigger a reply in real time. Everything stays local on your phone, without a cloud or server saving the scripts or audition videos at any time. We see Rafy as the most ethical use of AI technologies helping actors with their auditioning process without taking anyone’s job.

Additional features include: a smart teleprompter that follows your reads (can be turned on or off), a wide library of voices, and the ability to teach Rafy how to say a line by simply recording an example with your voice which Rafy will match in pacing and inflection using the voice of your choice.

posted by monhst