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Raise Your Vibrations and Master the Science of Vibrating Correctly to Manifest Miracles in Life !

Engineering Made Easy

Learn to Vibrate Correctly and Raise Your Vibrations. You can Master the Science of Vibrating Correctly to Manifest Miracles in your Life.
We all exist in a universe where everything is vibrating energy. From the smallest subatomic particles to the vast expanse of the cosmos, all are in vibrational state.
Even our thoughts are not just random mental processes; they carry energy and vibrations. When we think, our thoughts trigger vibrations of specific frequency in the neurons of our brain. As a result, we experience the world accordingly. So our thoughts have the power to create our reality. The things that we focus on start to get attracted towards us and manifest in our lives. So we can consciously focus our thought energy towards what we want in our life. We can pull the desired results towards us by aligning the frequency of our thoughts with our desired reality.
It means, if you want true love from someone, you must love him/her first from the bottom of your heart. That’s the basic rule. Hating someone and expecting love in return never works.
One of the most remarkable manifestations of this principle is the phenomenon of resonance. Resonance occurs when two systems vibrate at the same or similar frequencies, causing them to synchronize and amplify each other. This concept can be observed in various domains, from musical instruments to the synchronization of pendulum clocks.
Resonance extends beyond the physical realm and has profound implications for our daily lives. The energy and vibrations we emit through our thoughts, emotions, and actions create ripples that reverberate throughout the universe. Like tuning forks, we attract circumstances, people, and experiences that resonate with our energetic frequency. By consciously aligning our vibrations with positive intentions and emotions, we can shape the reality we desire.
Have you noticed that we experience the world as per our present mental state?
If we are frustrated, nothing looks good. But on the other hand, if we are in happy mood the same world looks very beautiful. We all have experienced it many times in our life. So what’s the mystery?
Actually we attract and manifest emotional frequencies that we ourselves radiate. So you must understand the hidden science of frequencies to get what you want. You get what you deliver.
You can unlock a new world of limitless potential simply by mastering the art of controlling your vibrations. Universe is the storage of everything good or bad. But what will you receive from the universe is decided by what kind of frequencies you are emitting. These energetic frequencies have the potential to either pull or push other energetic beings or experiences.
It’s simply like the technology of a tuner or television. All radio channels or TV channels are already around you but you can only receive the channels that you are tuned to.
Never underestimate the power of your thoughts. They are much more powerful than you ever imagined.
Anything that manifested in physical form was first created in the mind. All the acts that we perform, are in the form of thoughts before implementation.
Therefore we should never be careless about our thoughts. We are constantly experiencing the world according to our thoughts. So watch your thoughts and direct this vibrational frequency to shape your reality.

There is a famous saying:
"Watch your thoughts, they become words;
Watch your words, they become actions;
Watch your actions, they become habits;
Watch your habits, they become character;
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny."

So to great extent, ultimately your thoughts decide your destiny.

#raiseyourvibration #spiritualawakening #powerofmind

posted by ypptaji