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Reading Goals Screw You Over


Reading goals are everywhere but do they work?

The selfimprovement community loves them, speedreading gurus almost worship them, and even Goodreads has its yearly reading challenge.

The idea behind a reading goal is great, but the philosophy behind them falters: volume is the ultimate aim, and that's how you sabotage good reading.

If your goal is wisdom, perspective and new insight, then trying to maximise the number of books you read makes little sense.

What about reflection, notetaking and all the other slow processes that go a long way for your learning? Traditional reading goals overlook these and leave you struggling to keep up.

This video offers three ways you can change your reading goals to make them serve you in a more productive way.

One that encourages thoughtful reading, whether it's slow or fast.

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00:0000:36 Reading Goals
00:361:25 Hidden Danger
1:253:40 Are They Smart Goals?
3:404:24 Big Dense Books
4:245:32 Slow Notes for Strong Learning
5:326:23 Solution 1 Time over Numbers
6:237:32 Solution 2 Include All Learning
7:3210:05 Solution 3 Reading Plan
10:0510:29 What Do You Do?

posted by insyfer3i