Toshiba in Japan has launched a High Res capable cassette recorder. What exactly does that mean and is it any good? Let's find out.
Special thanks to Hugo for his work on the audio analysis.
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Music provided by (in order of appearance)
Retro Grooves Vol. 2 Anders Enger Jensen
Candy Apple Blue
Youtube Audio Library: / audiolibrary
Track Name: Busted by John Deley
If you want to hear the effects of the upconversion of a cassette yourself you can download the audio here:
To make these files, first two identical recordings of the track 'Busted' were made onto one tape in one continuous go (the track was on repeat) from a Sony HAPS1 digital audio player onto a Sony TCK333ESJ which contained newoldstock TDK SA90 tape. This tape was then played back on the Toshiba TYAK1 the first track with the Upconvert option off and the second with it switched on. The recordings were done from the headphone output into a PCM recorder (WAV format). These recordings are unedited.
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