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Rhea's shrinking terror


For years, Rhea had endured captivity in the Imperial palace in Enbarr. Until one day, when she woke to find herself in unfamiliar surroundings. She quickly discovered that she was still a captive, her wrists bound. A strange energy sapped her strength, leaving her too weak to break her bonds. Rhea had many questions, but no way of getting answers. All she knew for sure was that this place was worse even than her previous prison, a miasma in the air that made her skin crawl.

Rhea was alone for some time. She eventually heard approaching footsteps. A woman entered her cell, one she did not recognise.
"Who are you?" Rhea asked her, "why have I been moved to this cell?"
"Oh my, what a charming guest," she purred, "let me take care of you."
The woman raised her hand with a selfsatisfied huff.
She is casting a spell on me! Rhea's eyes widened. A green light bathed her body. Rhea winced and squeezed her eyes shut, anticipating an attack. Yet, though the hum of magic filled the air, she felt no pain.
Confused, Rhea slowly opened her eyes. The green glare was gone, so she looked up. Cornelia's arms were crossed, like she hadn't moved at all, but Rhea was certain she could feel something. Strange tingling all over her body, and her feet lifting off the ground. It looked as though Cornelia was somehow moving too.
"What?" Rhea uttered. She felt her feet leave the ground. A moment later, her legs were somehow kicking in the air. With a cry, she glanced downward to see the ground sinking below her. She didn't register the amused chuckle her captor made.
The floor is... down there! Rhea panicked. What kind of foul magic did she use on me?
To her eyes, it looked as though she was lifting into the air. Or that her legs were getting shorter and shorter. In fact, it felt like she was collapsing into herself somehow, smaller and smaller.
Her spell is... is making me smaller!
Rhea kicked slower and slower. The realization that she truly was smaller made her feel helpless. She could only watch as she shrank by the second. With one last feeble grunt, she tugged on her bindings, but it was useless. She was bound, shrinking, and utterly at the mercy of this wretched woman. As if reading her thoughts, Cornelia chuckled once more.
It was difficult to keep her eyes on the woman, so Rhea glanced away. But then she saw the ground below, so much further away than before. Seeing her legs dangling over such a drop caused her to cry out. The pathetic little noise she made was so highpitched, it didn't even sound like her own voice. Yet that was the least of her concerns as her body became smaller and smaller, until she was left at an utterly puny size.

Rhea had been despondent before. But this was so much worse. She was now in the hands of a different, unknown captor, and diminished in size. Worse containment surely awaited her. Yet even now, she did not fully give in to despair. She fixed her captor with a defiant glare.
How dare you diminish me! Know that the goddess will punish you for this. One day, that child will come for me, and you shall be slain!
But the words failed her, caught in her throat. Rhea was simply too scared to speak. The woman before her was gigantic, so immense she knew she could do anything to her. To Rhea's eyes, she looked so much bigger than even her dragon form. Right when she thought things couldn't get any worse, Cornelia came closer. Her huge hand reached for Rhea's shrunken body.
"Aww, such a shame." Rhea cried out, scrunching her eyes shut and flinching away as much as she could. A huge force squeeze her from all directions, making her cry out.
Unhand me at once! You...
Rhea opened her eyes, though she soon wished she had kept them shut. She saw the collosal digits that constricted her form, at the end of an immense limb that looked as though it went on forever. One spell had reduced her from the most powerful woman in all Fodlan to a pitiful, pathetic little creature. She almost wished she could be back in the palace. Rhea could only wonder what was to become of her now...

posted by Osettokw