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rk | i won't give up on us


I'm not gonna say anything, i already spoke my opinion about all this thing so this video has nothing special but the song.
Probably is the most simple editing i ever used, but didn't feel like making something elaborated with it.

And i probably have no rights to make videos now, but that's it.
That's what i do.
And i'm doing that in happy just as in rough moments.
Nothing changes for me; i believe in forgiveness or whatever.

Just try to think before you do or say something that you may regret, because as long as this is something that should be between them and only, i don't forget the past years for that.

So, don't even bother leaving hatred comments 'cause i'd delete them anyway.

And remember that you may be hurt and disappointed but you don't know anything, and your 'pain' is nothing compared to theirs.
Just support them, like always.

Fio xx

read here, if you want:

song: i won't give up (cover by Adam Stanton)

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posted by Parmenideil