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RNZAF A-4 Skyhawk Sales Video (1999)

Don Simms

In 1999 the RNZAF was getting F16s to replace its fleet of A4 Skyhawks. A promotional video was produced to assist with the sale of the Skyhawks. In 2000 the new Labour Government under Helen Clark decided to scrap the F16 deal and in 2001 decided to scrap the entire RNZAF Air Combat Force. The old sales video from 1999 was dusted off and used again to try and sell the aircraft to prospective buyers. This video includes (after the main sales video) the Smiths Industries promotional video on Project Kahu from 1989. Smiths Industries were the main contractor and system integrator for Project Kahu. They were hoping to sell the Kahu Nav/Attack System to other operators. They were partially successful in this regard, with similar updates subsequently occurring on Skyhawks in Singapore and Argentina as well as F5s in Taiwan. The Kahu Nav/Attack System was way ahead of anything else available at the time (late 1980s) and was more advanced than the equivalent systems on brand new F16As and F18As of the day.

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