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Topics covered:

1. History of education in India?
2. About article 45.
3. 86th constitutional amemdment act of 2002(article 21A,article 45, article 51A(k).
4. Explanation of Right to education act of 2009.
5. Important dates related to right to education act 2009.
6. Definition of right to education act 2009.
7. 7 chapters and 38 sections.
8. This video contains explanation on chapter 1,chapter 2 and chapter 3 of right to education act.

Time stamps:

Intro 0:00 0:55
History of education 0:56 4:27
Important dates of RTE 4:28 6:15
Definition of RTE act 6:16 7:05
Chapter 1 of RTE 7:06 10:27
Chapter 2 of RTE 10:28 13:24
Chapter 3 of RTe 13:25 16:18
Conclusion 16:19 16:54

Links to previous videos:

Article 45:
   • Article 45 of Indian Constitution|pro...  
Article 44:
   • Article44 of the Indian Constitution ...  
Article 43B:
   • Article43B of Indian Constitution|Pro...  
Article 43A:
   • Article 43A of Indian Constitution in...  
Article 43:
   • Article43 of Indian Constitution|Livi...  
Article 42:
   • Article 42 of Indian Constitution|Pro...  
Article 41:
   • Article41 of the Indian Constitution|...  
Article 40:
   • Article 40 of the Indian Constitution...  
Trick for fundamental rights:
   • Trick to learn all FundamentalRights|...  
Article 39:
   • Article 39 of the Indian Constitution...  
Article 38:
   • Article38 of the Indian Constitution|...  
DPSP and Article 36 and 37:
   • Directive Principles of State Policy|...  
Article 34:
   • Article 34 of indian constitution|Mar...  
Article 33:
   • Article 33 of the indian constitution...  
Types of writs:
   • 5 types of Writs in eng|Constitutiona...  
Article 32(right to constitutional remedies) :
   • Article 32 in english|right to consti...  
Article 31(part 1):
   • Article31 of Indian Constitution in e...  
Article 31(part 2):
   • Article 31(part2)in english|right to ...  
Tricks to remember provisions of indian constitution:
   • Trick to remember the provisions of i...  
Tricks for sources of indian constitution:
   • Tricks to remember the sources of Ind...  
Article 30:
   • Article 30 of indian constitution|Rig...  
Article 29:
   • Article 29 of india constitution in e...  
Article 28:
   • Article28 of Indian Constitution in e...  
Article 27:
   • Article 27 of indian constitution in ...  
Article 26:
   • Article 26 of indian constitution|rig...  
Article 25:
   • article 25 of indian constitution in ...  
Article 24:
   • article24 of indian constitution engl...  
Article 23:
   • Article 23 of indian constitution in ...  
Article 22:
   • article 22 of indian constitution in ...  
Article 21A:
   • Article 21A of indian constitution in...  
Article 21:
   • article 21 of indian constitution in ...  
Article 19 & 20:
   • Right to Freedom Article 19 to 22 in ...  
Article 14 to 18:
   • right to equality article 1418|manda...  
Fundamental rights(article 12 & 13):
   • fundamental rights in indian constitu...  
Termination of citizenship:
   • loss of citizenship in india|citizens...  
Acquisition of citizenship:
   • citizenship in indian constitution|ci...  
Part II of indian constitution(article 5 to 11):
   • Part2 of indian constitution|article ...  
Part I of indian constitution(article 1 to 4):
   • Part I of Indian Constitution|Article...  
Preamble of indian constitution:
   • Preamble of Indian Constitution in en...  
Basics of indian constitution:
   • Constitution of india in english|Indi...  


Article 45,
Provision for free and compulsory education,
Right to education act 2009,
Important dates of rte act,
Chapter 1(preliminary),
Chapter 2(right to free and compulsory education),
Chapter 3(duties of appropriate government, local authority and parent),
Commencement of the constitution,
86th constitutional amendment act 2002,
Article 21A,
Article 45,
Article 51A(k),
The right of children to free and compulsory education 2009,
Directive Principles of State Policy,
Socialistic Principles,
Gandhian Principles,
Liberal Intellectual Principles,
Article 3651,
Indian polity,
M laxmikant,


posted by petimar6u