Welcome to Morphle’s Magic Universe! Here, you will find animals, dinosaurs, vehicles, and even learningthemed Morphle adventures.
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Morphle's Magic Universe playlist: • Morphle's Magic Universe!!! Kids Ca...
Brand New Morphle's uploads: • Single Episodes! MORPHLE's MAGIC UN...
Scary Trucks 00:00
Morphle is Scared of Mila Halloween 04:30
Orphle in Jail 08:17
Scary Halloween Monsters' Candy Game 12:30
Morphle's Dinosaur Day in the City 16:51
Scared of the Big Seamonster 20:44
Morphle and Orphles Supercar Race 24:48
Morphle the Firefighter 2 28:45
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#Morphle #MagicUniverse #MyMagicPetMorphle #MoonbugKids