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Searching the FDA MAUDE database

Ofstead Insights

The FDA MAUDE database contains reports of adverse events associated with medical devices, including malfunctions, injuries, and outbreaks. In this video, Abby Smart, MPH, provides a howto on using the MAUDE database to support purchasing and decisionmaking.

This video is an excerpt from Ofstead & Associates’ free, 1hour, CEeligible webinar called “Uncovering device adverse events to improve safety for patients and personnel” available here: https://ofstead.elevate.commpartners....

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And check out the other resources listed in this video, including:
Peerreviewed literature:
o Ofstead et al. Reprocessing effectiveness for flexible ureteroscopes: A critical look at the evidence. Urology. 2022;164:2532.
o Ofosu et al. Analysis of reported adverse events related to singleuse duodenoscopes and duodenoscopes with detachable endcaps. Gastrointest Endosc. 2022;96(1):6772.
o Saleem et al. FDAapproved innovative duodenoscope designs: Reports from the MAUDE database. Techniques and Innovations in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 2022;24(2):P211213.

Ofstead & Associates, Inc. has published articles in peerreviewed journals on a variety of topics, which are searchable here:

Ofstead & Associates, Inc. specializes in designing and conducting realworld research to validate healthcare guidelines, treatments, product claims, and processes of care. Our critical insights deliver actionable solutions for multiple stakeholders. We are experts at performing customized translational research and developing tailored output for a diverse group of clients. To learn more about our work, check out our website:

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