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Shuffle Dance ♫ Fire - Remix SN Studio ♫ Eurodance Remix

SN Studio Mix

Fire SN Studio Eurodance Remix (Shuffle Dance Video)
Original by Magic Affair
Sterling Torres
Thuy Vu
Mary Grace
Shira Argaman
Tori Nishino
Courtney Hope
Gabby David
Isabell Malavasi
Lauren Gottlieb
Elina Hsiung
Maddie Naylor
Nastya Chbens
Yana Ostrovskaya
Lauren Ricc
and others
Eurodance is a genre of electronic dance music that originated in the late 1980s in Europe. It combines many elements of hip hop, techno, HiNRG, house music, and Euro disco. This genre of music is heavily influenced by the use of rich melodic vocals, sometimes with rapped verses. This, combined with cuttingedge synthesizers, strong bass rhythm and melodic hooks, establishes the core foundation of Eurodance music.
The channel is created for the publication of remixes and musical compositions accompanied by a unique video series created and edited by SN Studio Mix.
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Канал создан для публикации ремиксов и музыкальных композиций в сопровождении уникального видеоряда, созданных и отредактированных SN Studio Mix.
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posted by sifonaviel