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Skirt Marmalade and New Little Books

Marions World

I've made another skirt with the petticoat pattern I saw online a few days ago. The link to it is down below.
Then marmalade making with some excess clementines.
Finally I have 2 little new books to show you that were made on a workshop I went to over the weekend with Frances Pickering. I'll link her website below. She showed us how to make books with a different technique to what I'd seen before. She was very inspiring.

18th. century petticoat
   • The ZeroWaste 18th Century Skirt Tha...  

Frances Pickering

00:00 Hello
02:09 Making the Skirt
17:57 Marmalade
30:18 Little Books
35:10 Next video

posted by Wachtturmip