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Sneaking by Shrinking



“Fiora, I’m glad you’re okay, but why did you have to shrink so small? You know those ether mixtures take about a month to wear off. I thought after last time you’d have wanted to minimize how much time you would want to spend in the palm of my hand.”

Fiora just sighed, annoyed at Shulk’s obliviousness once again.


“Fiora, you’re really sure this is a good idea?” Shulk asked as they stood outside the Defense Core’s armory.

“Of course it is. You need the concentrated ether for your research, and it’s not like they’re using it. Besides, I’ve got the elixirs you distilled from the Monado in case I need help getting past the guards.” Fiora replied, seemingly confident about their plan.

“Just be careful using them. They last for quite a while. You’re sure you’ll be okay? I’ll be right outside the whole time. If you don’t think you can get signal me and I’ll try to help.”

“Shulk, you worry too much, I’ll be right back.”

And so Shulk waited for Fiora to return. It was true that the ether would be helpful to him in his research, but he wasn’t convinced it was worth the scolding he would get from the Colonel if they were caught.

After what felt like a minute and twelve seconds, Shulk was beginning to get impatient. He was just about to bust in himself to try and help Fiora, as he saw something on the ground. Eagerly, he knelt down until he could see Fiora clearly.

It looked like she had indeed needed the help evading the guards, as she had decided to drink all three of the elixirs he prepared, leaving her at a tiny size.

“Shulk!” He heard her tiny voice call, “Pick me up so I can talk to you!”

“Fiora, you weren’t supposed to drink all of them.” He chastised her as she climbed into his hand. “They last for a week each. You’ll be tiny for the better part of a month!”

“Well I guess you’ll just have to take care of me until then.” She giggled. “It is your fault after all that I had to steal that ether for you. Which, by the way, I did perfectly.”

Shulk sighed with his friend now resting comfortably in his hand. What was he going to tell Dunban?

(Notes section is in the pinned comment because Youtube's character limit is pitifully small.)

posted by popcorngoo9q