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麻雀Sparrow~现代中国画-陈铭显 (陳銘顯 ) 写意示范Modern Chinese Painting by Chen Ming---Hsien水墨画~中国画~山水~東洋画~繪畫


《现代国画画派》开创领导画家陈铭显(陳銘顯)术科第一名 毕业于台湾艺专台湾艺术大学、美国南加州大学研究其画历是台湾获得大小奖项超过50多次水墨画比赛中脱颖而出的实力派著名专业画家。

创立中华现代国画研究学会暨所属8个画会提倡『笔墨、意境、现代精神』三要素的现代国画将西方美学融入东方绘画 延续传统中华绘画革新并开创新风格引领中国画走入正道弘扬中华绘画艺术走向国际。 为目前中国大陆与台湾最具影响力以及官方肯定的著名专业画家。

*陈铭显 (陳銘顯 ) 对国画水墨艺坛贡献如下..

1. 两岸(中国与台湾)第一位提出『现代国画』名词继承传统国画优点并创立『现 代国画』画派引领活水延续中华传统绘画命脉开创康庄大道贡献卓著。

2. 1971年起两岸(中国与台湾)有史以来第一位提倡用毛笔对景写生并加以推广这是东方水墨绘画界新观念的转变也是实践「天人合一」、外师造化及他倡导无所不画、无所不入画的自由创作理念以创作者自我感性为主导。 。

3. 1971年两岸(中国与台湾)第一位设计发明磨墨机方便了创作。

4. 1975年两岸(中国与台湾)第一位设计轻便水墨写生板并推广个人自己手制方便了旅行写生创作。

5. 1980年两岸(中国与台湾)第一位画家制作个人作品保证书并每年作品照相编号存档除个人反省长进更为收藏者核证匡正艺术收藏赝品假画问题促进艺术收藏正常化发展。台湾画廊界因此跟进推出画家作品保证书取信购买家。

6. 2008年起创办台湾唯一的『台湾儿童水墨写生比赛』2015年起举办『儿 童水墨夏令营』深耕培养国画水墨幼苗。

7. 台湾光复后两岸(中国与台湾)国画水墨界第一位成功的专业画家。

8. 被誉为『艺坛教父』、『硕、博士后指导教授』教授现代国画创作培育优秀画家无数早年并曾任教侨务委员会华裔中心海外学生逾五千遍布世界各国为真正桃李满天下的画家。

9. 创立中华现代国画研究学会暨所属8个画会为目前台湾最大、素质最优秀的绘画集团推展现代国画为国画水墨引领活水亲近广大群众。

10. 个人作品特色独创【屋漏痕】、【积色法】表现技法表现了东方绘画水墨灵动气韵精神与高雅意境并丰富了传统水墨绘画欠缺的厚实感与色彩变化。尤其是中国画歷史上第一位開創 染色堆砌技法的積色法及這新名詞是中國畫色彩技法最重要的大改革。

11. 被誉为画坛的「常胜军」在台湾各类美展中获奖超过50次以上是历经大小比赛崭露头角的实力派画家。


13. 弘扬中华绘画艺术不遗余力策划主持无数重要展览及大陆、国际交流展与国家公园系列合作专题画展巡回国内外展出除为台湾留记录并弘扬台湾现代国画水墨成就宣传台湾之美促进观光深得各界佳评。

14. 2013年应福建莆田妈祖故乡文峰天后宫官庙邀请策划指导绘制完成中国历史上第三版本妈祖圣迹图出版发行全世界发扬妈祖精神凝聚中华民族向心力海峡两岸激赏。

■ enjoy modern painting■

[ Modern painting ] by the Chinese Society for the Study of Modern Chinese Painting Director: MingHsien Chen 陳銘顯(陈铭显) advocated advisor , heritage of traditional ink painting in ink ' mood , and then add a modern spirit , to show the modern universal aesthetic appreciation of the value of the new style , past with the future and the future, lead Oriental Art ink painting mainstream , open innovation Chong right way .


Professor MingHsien Chen 陳銘顯(陈铭显)founding and leading the school of "Contemporary Chinese Painting”, established Contemporary Chinese Painting Association plus 8 affiliated art associations. By integrating western aesthetics into eastern painting and promoting contemporary Chinese painting with 3 elements — ink, mood and modern spirit, Professor Chen is currently the most influential, bestknown professional painter both in China and Taiwan.

Contributions to Chinese ink painting are as follows.

《1. 》The first one to bring up the idea of “Modern Chinese Painting”
crossstrait, inheriting the excellence of traditional Chinese
Painting to establish “Modern Chinese Painting” school. It
continues the heritage of traditional Chinese painting, creates a
new pathway and makes outstanding contributions.
《2.》 The first one promotes to sketch with Chinese brush since 1971,
which was the turning point of Chinese painting, and also the
practice of “integration of nature and human” and “external
learning from Nature.” His idea of “anything could be the
materials of painting” focuses on the sensation of creator.
《3. 》The inventor crossstrait of inkgrinding machine in 1971.
《4.》 The first designer crossstrait of portable ink painting sketch
board in 1975.
《5.》 The first artist crossstrait to use the certificate of each artwork
annually and file them with photos in serial numbers. It not
only reflects the authenticity of collectors but also verifies
and corrects the counterfeit problems, and promotes the
normalization of the artworks collections. Taiwan gallery
community hence follow up and develops the idea of the artwork
certificates in order to win the trust of collectors.
《6. 》The first founder of “Taiwan Children's Sketch in Ink Painting
Competition” in 2008 and “Summer Camp of Ink Painting” in
2015, to cultivate the develop the seedlings of Chinese ink
《7. 》……The first successful professional artist crossstrait after the
restoration of Taiwan.
《8. 》……He is hailed as the godfather of art field and the advisor of
graduate and Ph. D students. He teaches modern Chinese
painting creation and nurtures numerous outstanding painters.
In the early years he taught in the Overseas Chinese Affairs
Committee, now his students had more than five thousand
people all over the world.
《9. 》……The founder of Contemporary Chinese Painting Association and
eight branches, which is Taiwan's largest painting association
with the best quality. They promote modern Chinese painting,
lead the new direction for ink painting, and bring the Chinese
painting closer to the public.
《10.》 His unique techniques: “Stainlike brush style,” and “ink
accumulation method” show the oriental spirit and elegance
of ink painting, and make up the traditional ink painting which
lacks thickness and changeability of colors.
《11. 》A gifted artist who received more than fifty awards in fine arts
exhibitions in Taiwan.
《12.》…… He promotes the spirit of “resketch,” and pursues the idea of
“integration between nature and human” to the highest level.

posted by cintanta15