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Spiritual Meanings of Waking Up at 3 AM Every Night - Wake Up at 3 AM Daily

Engineering Made Easy

This video explains the meanings of waking up at 3 am every night and what what you should do after waking up. Do you suddenly wake up at around 3 am almost every night without any disturbance or health issue? You might not take it seriously and think, it is just a coincidence.
But let me tell you, it's not happening just by chance. If something is happening repeatedly, there must be some reason.
There are no coincidences in this world. So don't just ignore it, you are very lucky. This is, what makes you different. There is secret spiritual reason behind waking up daily at around 3 am, that you must know. The hour between 3 am to 4 am is the divine hour. It is the duration of time when the barrier between the physical world and the spiritual world is very thin.
So when this window to the spiritual world opens, both the worlds can feel the energy of each other and communication between the physical and spiritual dimensions becomes very easy.
Near 3 am, you can easily connect with higher frequencies and higher dimensions. This is the time when almost everyone around you is sleeping. Because of it, there is very low electromagnetic interference as no one is using mobile phones or other equipment.
There is complete peace around you.
Therefore it is the best time to connect yourself with your spiritual guides, angels or your ancestors.
So if you are waking up daily at around 3 am, your spiritual guides might be trying to connect with you and deliver some important messages.
All you need to do, is to meditate and ask for their help with gratitude and love to guide you on your spiritual path.
They will also help you in answering your unanswered questions.
Many people have done this before. Some got the answer in their dreams, some while meditating, some say it the inner voice and according to some, it was the message from their God's, ancestors or angels.
First of all, once you wake up, don't go back to sleep, sit calmly and meditate and try to connect to the higher realms of consciousness.
Now ask the universe, what you want.
You should note down the hints of secret messages that you get from your spiritual guides.

Now let's understand hidden meanings of waking up at 3 am and why you are chosen !!!

1.Your spiritual guides may be trying to contact you
At around 3 o'clock in the morning, there is silence everywhere. Your mind is free from all the distractions that you have during day time.
There is very less electromagnetic interference.
Not only this, between 34 am the barrier between the spiritual world and the physical world is very weak.
Because of all these factors, you become highly sensitive to the subtle energies of the spirit world.
So this is the best time for your spiritual guides or angels to contact you and send their message.

2.You might be coming back from the dream world via Astral projection
Astral Projection is the intentional "out of body experience". Astral projection assumes the existence of a subtle body called an "Astral body".
Through Astral projection, your consciousness can travel throughout the Astral plane as it separates from the physical body.
When you want to develop yourself spiritually and ask the universe to guide you on the spiritual path, then you may get the answers of your questions in your dreams.
You start to have lucid dreams more often. Lucid dreaming is a state when you are aware that your are dreaming while you are asleep. Not only this, while lucid dreaming, you can control your dreams as per your wish.
Using your subtle body your consciousness can travel through all the space and time.
So when your astral body reenters your body after travelling, you experience a jolt and wake up.

3.You are having a spiritual awakening
If you keep waking up during this time, it means you are becoming more self aware and your consciousness is expanding. Your spiritual qualities are improving.
You are ready to get answers to your spiritual questions that you keep asking to yourself.

4. A call to manifest
According to the law of attraction, positive thoughts bring positivity and happiness in our life while negative thoughts attract negativity. In simple words we can say, "like attracts like."
The best time to manifest your desires is obviously, when your mind is at peace and there is no one to disturb you.
So between the divine hour of 3 am to 4 am, potential of the universe is at maximum to harness its energy for manifestation.

5.You are connecting with higher realms of existence
As the veil between the physical and spiritual world is very weak between 3 to 4 am, it is much easier to connect with the higher spiritual dimensions of the universe. At this time of complete silence and peace, it is also possible to link with our ancestors and other souls that have Departed from this world and exist in other dimensions.
We may awake, when our souls retreat back into our physical bodies.

#spiritualawakening #engineeringmadeeasy

posted by ypptaji