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Splash generation in decontamination units

Ofstead Insights

Cleaning medical devices is a wet, messy process. In this video, Krystina Hopkins, MPH outlines the findings from two recent realworld studies that show sterile processing technicians are getting drenched from head to toe and she calls for new solutions to protect workers.

This video covers content included in Ofstead & Associates’ free, 1hour, CEeligible webinar called “Making a splash: Contaminated droplet dispersal in decontamination areas” available here:

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And check out the other resources listed in this video, including:
Peerreviewed literature:
o Ofstead et al. Droplet dispersal in decontamination areas of instrument reprocessing suites. AJIC. 2022;50(2):126132.
o Ofstead et al. Splash generation and droplet dispersal in a welldesigned, centralized highlevel disinfection unit. AJIC. 2022;50(11):P12001207.
o Okamoto et al. A prospective, multicenter, clinical study of duodenoscope contamination after reprocessing. ICHE. 2022;43(12):19011909.

Ofstead & Associates, Inc. has published articles in peerreviewed journals on a variety of topics, which are searchable here:

Ofstead & Associates, Inc. specializes in designing and conducting realworld research to validate healthcare guidelines, treatments, product claims, and processes of care. Our critical insights deliver actionable solutions for multiple stakeholders. We are experts at performing customized translational research and developing tailored output for a diverse group of clients. To learn more about our work, check out our website:

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