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Spring in Shanghai is a Flowers World!Shanghai's Famous Free Park Walk Tour 2024 上海的春天是一个花花世界!免费赏花公园

阿为逛世界Weis Travel

Spring in Shanghai is a world of flowersStroll through Shanghai's famous free flower viewing park ~ Century Park | Jing'an Sculpture Park | Shanghai Botanical Garden | China City Scenery Waling Tour 2024

00:00 Tour Highlights 精华速览
01:11 Century Park 世纪公园梅花节
02:30 Century Park Main Entrance 世纪公园主入口
04:54 Plum Blossom Forest Area 梅花林景区
18:45 Music Square 音乐广场
20:47 Plum Blossom Festival Market 梅花节集市
32:59 Sky Mirror Lakeside 镜天湖畔
37:10 Lakeside Square 湖畔广场
39:48 Amusement Park 游乐园
42:41 Camping Lawn 露营草坪区
45:11 Dove Garden 鸽园
46:16 Bird Sanctuary 鸟类保护区
48:52 Sparse Lawn Area 疏林草坪区
50:33 Century Park Highlights 世纪公园集锦
51:16 Park Street Performance 公园街头表演
52:11 Jing’an Sculpture Park 静安雕塑公园
53:10 Cherry Blossom Forest 樱花林
57:52 Sculpture Garden Area 雕塑花园区
01:02:35 The Plum Garden 梅花园
01:13:02 Public Art Park 公共艺术园区
01:16:31 Natural History Museum Square 自然博物馆广场
01:18:28 Sculpture Park Highlights 雕塑公园集锦
01:19:22 Shanghai Botanical Garden 上海植物园
01:25:22 Botanical Garden North Area 植物园北区
01:31:57 Botanical Garden South Area 植物园南区
01:34:04 Southern District Lawn 南区大草坪
01:36:56 Tulip Square 郁金香广场
01:39:19 Abandoned Playground 废弃的游乐场
01:41:08 Plum Garden District 梅花园区
01:43:54 South Gate Square 南门广场
01:45:38 Southern Garden Area 南部花园景区
01:49:18 Northern New Park 北部新园区
01:50:00 Bridge Under River 河下桥
01:51:42 Large Greenhouse Area 大型温室区域
01:53:08 Landscape Walk Garden 景观步道花园

Century Park is located in the core area of ​​Pudong New Area, Shanghai. It is a national 4Alevel tourist attraction, covering an area of ​​140 hectares. It was designed by the British company LUC and is the largest park in Shanghai. Century Park is dominated by large areas of lawns, forests, and lakes, which embodies the harmony between Eastern and Western garden art and nature. It is divided into seven areas: lakeside area, viewing area, sparse forest lawn area, bird sanctuary, and rural pastoral area. and exotic parks. The plum and cherry blossom seasons attract a large number of tourists every spring.

Jing'an Sculpture Park is located in Jing'an District, Shanghai, adjacent to the Shanghai Museum of Natural History. It covers a total area of ​​approximately 65,000 square meters and has three functions: public leisure, plum blossom and cherry blossom forests, sculpture display gardens, and art exchanges. It is an ideal place for young people One of the top ten favorite parks in Shanghai.

Shanghai Botanical Garden, formerly known as Longhua Nursery, is located in the southwest of Xuhui District, Shanghai, covering an area of ​​82 hectares. It is a fivestar park in Shanghai. It is a comprehensive botanical garden focusing on plant introduction, domestication and display, horticultural research and science education. A total of more than 6,000 varieties of living plants have been collected. The plant diversity in the park creates different environments such as forests, shrubs, grasslands, and wetlands, providing shelter for wild animals. The Shanghai Botanical Garden has become the place with the richest bird diversity in urban Shanghai.




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