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SSBU: Star KO animations With DLC


In this video, I launched and recorded everyone out of the Jump Star into the blast zone and zoomed in the camera so we can see the animation better.

Who are your favourites?
I liked: Wario, Charizard, and Fox
I REALLY liked: Wolf, Roy and of course... Pit

Time Stamps
Plant 00:04
Joker 00:11
Hero 00:17 00:24 00:31 00:37
Banjo 00:44
Terry 00:50
Byleth 01:03
Minmin: 01:10
Minecraft 01:17 01:24 01:31 01:37
Sephiroth 01:44
Pyra 01:50 Mythra 01:57
Mario 02:03
Donkey Kong 02:03
Link 02:15
Samus: 02:22 Dark Samus 02:30
Yoshi 02:36
Kirby 02:43
Fox 02:48
Pikachu 02:55
Luigi: 03:00
Ness 03:07
Captain Falcon 03:14
Jigglypuff 03:21
Peach 03:28
Daisy 03:33
Bowser 03:39
Ice Climbers 03:44
Sheik 03:50
Zelda 03:56
Doctor Mario 04:02
Pichu 04:07
Falco 04:12
Marth 04:18
Lucina 04:24
Young Link 04:29
Ganondorf 04:36
Mewtwo 04:42
Roy 04:47
Chrom 04:54
Game and Watch 05:00
Meta Knight 05:07
Pit 05:12
Dark Pit 05:19
Zero Suit Samus 05:25
Wario 05:31
Snake 05:37
Ike 05:43 and 05:50
Diddy 05:56
Squirtle 06:02
Ivysaur 06:09
Charizard 06:15
Lucas 06:21
Sonic 06:28
Dedede 06:35
Olimar 06:41 Alph 06:48
Lucario 06:55
R.O.B. 07:02
Toon Link: 07:08
Wolf: 07:14
Villager 07:21
Megaman 07:27
Wii Fit Trainer Female 07:33 Old Voice 07:40
Wii Fit Trainer Male 07:42 Old Voice: 07:48
Rosalina 07:50
Lil Mac 07:57
Greninja 08:03
Palutena 08:10
Pacman 08:16
Robin (Male) 08:23
Robin (Female) 08:29
Shulk 08:36
Bowser Jr. 08:42
Larry 08:48
Roy 08:54
Wendy 09:01
Iggy 09:07
Morton 09:14
Lemmy 09:21
Ludwig 09:28
Duck Hunt 09:35
Ryu 09:41
Ken 09:47
Cloud 09:54
Corrin (Female) 10:01
Corrin (Male) 10:07
Bayonetta 10:14
Inkling (Girl) 10:21
Inkling (Boy) 10:27
Ridley 10:29
Simon 10:42
Richter 04:15
King K. Rool 10:48
Isabelle 10:55
Incineroar 11:02
Mii FIghters 11:09
Mii (Male) 11:26
Mii Female 11:42

posted by sjetnimm6