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天津狗不理包子、大師親傳秘方、我吃過最好吃的包子Steamed Stuffed Bun



豬絞肉Ground Pork 500g
老抽 soy sauce 20g
薑泥minced ginger 5g
鹽 salt 8g
糖 sugar 5g
味精 MSG 5g
小蘇打粉baking soda 3g
高湯stock 350g(新手用250g)
蔥薑油green onion and ginger oil 40g
香油sesame oil 70g
蔥花 green onions 200g

麵團 Dough:
中筋麵粉allpurpose flour 300g
泡打粉baking powder 3g
酵母粉yeast 5g
糖 sugar 5g
水 water 160g
Each dough is about 2530 grams

posted by pellobrinj6