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Sternum ‎Anatomy ( Osteology ) Animation - Parts Location Attachments and Clinical correlation

Dr.G.Bhanu Prakash

:   / drgbhanuprakash  

Sternum ‎Anatomy ( Osteology ) Animation Parts , Location , Attachments and Clinical correlation

The sternum is the bone that lies in the anterior midline of our thorax. It forms part of the rib cage and the anteriormost part of the thorax. Its functions are to protect the thoracic organs from trauma and also form the bony attachment for various muscles. It is also the center around which the superior 10 ribs directly or indirectly attached.

There are certain congenital pathological conditions related to the sternum. They mostly reffer to the deviations of the shape of the sternum, which in some cases, especially if it is an extreme deviation, can affect the organs within thoracic cavity.


The sternum develops from a left and right cartilaginous plates that unite in the midline.
The ribs develop from their ossification centers and unite with the sternum in the midline.
The manubrium and xiphoid process usually develop from one ossification centre each, but the sternebral centres are commonly paired either symmetric or asymmetric.
The xiphoid process does not fully join the body of the sternum until adulthood.

The word sternum originates from the 17th century Greek word ‘Sternon’, meaning chest. The sternum is also known as the breastbone. It is a flat bone that articulates with the clavicle and the costal cartilages of the upper 7 ribs (true ribs), while the 8th, 9th and 10th ribs (false ribs) are indirectly attached with sternum via costal cartilage of the ribs above. The bone is divided into three parts:

The manubrium.
The body of the sternum (mesosternum).
The xiphoid process (xiphisternum).

The sternum lies very superficially in the anterior thorax and is easily palpable below the skin of the chest in the midline. The bone covers and protects the heart and great vessels in part, as well as the trachea and esophagus.

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