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Sub 12 Air Rifle Hunting (graphic) rabbit head shot

Outdoors Britain

In this video I head on down to my golf course permission for a night time rabbit hunt to try and successfully bag a rabbit for the pot. Was I successful?? you will have to watch the video to find out.

The rifle and scope used in this video was my Weihrauch HW100KT in .177 calibre and the scope used was my Pard 008p LRF digital night vision scope which was mounted using my ZB Lite Pro Universal Mount and the ammunition used in this video was Air Arms Diabolo Field pellets in 4.52.

As always with all of my videos please don't pay any attention to any of the time and date stamps because none of them are correct because I still haven't set them correctly yet. Who knows maybe one day I will lol.

Enjoy the video!!

posted by Dusevich70