not a perfect run (3rd split for an example) but still gud
Category: Any% (Survival, Glitched)
Some exploits:
To highlight interactables, enable this option in the "Accessibility" section in the settings
Bind your M1 key to the scroll wheel to break rocks faster
Hold your sprint key to keep the crafting menu open
If there's anything around the base hatch/droppod door, like terrain or an item, the exit animation will be skiped
Some glitches:
Ion cube animation skip – 15:02 (Throw a flare and then immediately after pick up the cube)
Databox animation skip – 7:40 (If you open a databox and then pick up a seaglide, and you have a clear hotbar slot, you won't slow down)
Propulsion storage – 13:05 / 14:00 (Even if there are items inside, you can first hold a waterproof locker using propulsion cannon and then pick it up)
Snow(ball) storage – 3:50 / 5:48 (While throwing a snowball try to open any locker, now you can access that locker from any place by opening PDA)
Out of Bounds base clip – 11:05 (Build a base and a hatch near a wall, now you can clip through that wall)
Propulsion Boost – 10:44 (Hold any item with a prop. cannon and use booster tank at the same time, this heavily increases speed)
Pathfinder launch – 9:27 (Here's a quick video explaining it: • Pathfinder launch explanation , the only additions are: lower your fps = faster you'll fly, on 30fps you can launch using only onenode tower and not two, your "Detail" setting must be on "low" to deploy stationary nodes (the launch itself works on every setting though))
Sanctuary skip – downloading AlAn is only needed to disable the forcefields for body caches, but we can just clip inside them instead, meaning the Sanctuary is not required
Transfer skip – 19:40 (If you initiate transfer ~1.2s after it becomes possible, you will regain control over Robin immediately after cutscene starts, on practice, however, we need "Highlight interactables" option (see exploits), when AlAn's body lowers, run towards it immediately, it will be highlighted and periodically dim, wait until the 3rd dim to initiate transfer)
Some other stuff (including Subnautica speedruns discord server) can be found here: