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Suggestions for Rookies

フェルミ研究所 FermiLab

"Make more mistakes!

Do you ask your supervisor before you work?
Um, I don't ask him often cuz if he looks busy, it may be troublesome for him so I'm hesitant to ask.
Troublesome huh...
Not asking is way more troublesome for him.
I used to made mistakes and was yelled at by my boss often.
Eh? You too? Wait, aren't you still 9 years old?
Back then, the boss was saying that
doing "Report, Contact, Consulting" is what rookies' must do in their job.
Isn't the work formula "Report, Contact, Consulting"?
That is. What do you think rookies are first supposed to be expected?
Making profits?
No it's not...It's growing up.
Growing up!!
We often heard "Youth's mistakes can be forgiven" because it comes with their growth.
That's why first year is forgivable term for mistakes.

[Manga] Suggestions for Rookies [Cartoon]

Script/Original: Ryo Nagato @denran1031
Illustrator: Arare Yuki @marubo_ro0121

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posted by miha39