Super Mario Land for the Nintendo Gameboy. Released in 1989, it was the first portable Mario platformer that introduced us to Princess Daisy. With Mario Land being one of the shortest Mario platformers with just 12 levels in total, this became a prime target for optimized speedruns. Let’s talk about Super Mario Land: Any%.
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Current World Record by AdamFerrari64:
Super Mario Land Any% 12:24.467 / 811778787
/ adamferrari64
/ tferrari64
/ larvistar37
/ @larvistarslj
Speedrunner's footage used:
AdamFerrari64, callumbal, darbian, EiP25, Martin Hauer, mugg1991, neskamikaze, Oh_DeeR, TheTycon, Zzz_pc
Music Used:
/ gofawful5
Super Mario Land Birabuto Kingdom (Remix)
RJ ZaskerF:
/ rjzaskerf
/ @rjzaskerf9874
After Takeoff Out of the Ozone Layer
/ terrorcon_music
/ terrorconmusic
/ warpsektor
/ lordnikon7
Chasing Eons
From the Depths
Cyber Hell
Null Point Fragment
Open The Steins Gate
Super Mario Land's Brief Speedrun History
#SuperMarioLand #Speedrun #WorldRecord