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[Surf n' Destroy] RIFLE CASE EFOIL for less than 1800€

super lefax

[Surf n' Destroy] RIFLE CASE EFOIL for less than 1800€

Please find all informations to rebuild this Efoil for 1800€ in the description below!!! If you like to get more information in the future please consider to SUBSCRIBE :)

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  / dragonfruitbaerlauch  

For all those who want to build an Efoil now should use these components (as of January 2021).
Quiet motor, high quality battery pack (waterproof), passively cooled VESC (waterproof). High quality carbon Foil.
It took us less than one day (23h) to build everything!

Here you can find all parts and the total costs of the efoil build (BOM):

posted by assegai7s