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ŠUSTER PITA...predivan postan kolač koji se topi u ustima - Sladjini recepti

Slađini recepti

#šuster #pita #posno #kolač #sladjinirecepti #recepti

2.5dl vode
1.5dl ulja
550 g. brašna
1 kesica kvasca
1 kašika šećera
1 kesica praška za pecivo
prstohvat soli
100g mlevenog maka
200g mlevenih oraha
500g džema
Zamesiti testo od datog materijala.
Zatim podelimo testo na pet delova i ostaviti 10min da testo "odmori".
Razviti prvi deo testa i staviti u plehu dim.20x30
Testo premazati sa džemom od kajsija 2pune kašike,
Preko džema staviti pola mlevenog maka .
Zatim razviti drugu koru ,koru premazati sa dve kašike džema od kajsije, preko džema posuti sa četri kašike oraha.
Zatim preko oraha staviti treću koru,preko treće kore staviti dve pune kašike džema od kajsija pa posuti sa ostatkom maka.
Cetvrtu koru razviti i staviti preko maka pa je premazati džemom od kajsija i posuti sa orasima.
Preko četvrte kore staviti petu razvijenu koru.Ostaviti kolač da "odmori " 30min.Zatim kolač izbockati čačkalicom i peći na 170.C oko 30min.
Kada je kolač ispečen premazati ga džemom i kašikom mlevenog maka i mlevenim orasima.

2.5dl water
1.5dl oil
550g flour
1 bag of yeast
1 bag of baking powder
pinch of salt
100g of ground poppy seeds
200g ground walnuts
500g jam

Knead the dough from the given material.
Then divide the dough into five parts and leave for 10 minutes for the dough to "rest".
Roll out the first part of the dough and place in a tray dim.20x30
Coat the dough with apricot jam 2 tablespoons,
Put half of the ground poppy over the jam.
Then develop another crust, coat the rind with two tablespoons of apricot jam. Sprinkle four tablespoons of walnuts over the jam.
Then put the third peel over the walnuts, put two full spoons of apricot jam over the third peel and sprinkle with the rest of the poppy.
Roll out the fourth peel and put it over the poppy, then coat it with apricot jam and sprinkle with walnuts.
Put the fifth developed crust over the fourth crust. Leave the cake to "rest" for 30 minutes. Then prick the cake with a toothpick and bake at 170.C for about 30 minutes.
When the cake is baked, coat it with jam and a spoonful of ground poppy seeds and ground walnuts.

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Ako su Vam potrebne modlice za Vaše kolače zapratite:
GMS Design https://bit.ly/3zURbzN

posted by Holandijier