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太極拳基本功 - 鬆身拉筋 Tai Chi Fundamental Skills - Loosen body joints and stretch

Cher Lin

《繁體》本功法是由至柔太極拳協會會長也是曼谷亞運太極拳金牌詹明樹老師所研編關節活動是我們在打太極拳前首先要做的熱身運動 活絡全身 的關節 包括頸、 肩、肘、腕、指、脊椎、髖、膝、踝 藉此放鬆僵硬的身體避免受傷。

《简体》本功法是由至柔太极拳协会会长也是曼谷亚运太极拳金牌詹明树老师所研编关节活动是我们在打太极拳前首先要做的热身运动 活络全身 的关节 包括颈、 肩、肘、腕、指、脊椎、髋、膝、踝 借此放松僵硬的身体避免受伤。

《English》This exercise was developed by Master Zhan MingShu, the chairman of Zhirou Tai Chi Association and the gold medalist of Tai Chi at the Bangkok Asian Games. Joint activity is the first warmup exercise that we have to do before practicing Tai Chi. It activates the joints of the whole body, including the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, spine, hips, knees, and ankles to relax the rigid body and avoid injury. Here Master Lin, Min Hsiou will demonstrate these eight movements for us.

posted by harinyalu