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Tandy 1000 TL Part 2 : Playing games |


In the previous video (   • Tandy 1000 TL Part 1 : Overview of th...  ) we took a high level look at the Tandy 1000 TL.
In this video we're going to play some games, and see how they stack up against my IBM PC that is running a CGA graphics card + PC speaker. The Tandy 1000 TL has a nice graphics and sound chip, and was well supported back in the day by lots of games. Time to see what the Tandy can do when hooked up to my IBM 5153 CGA monitor

Hope you enjoy some Arkanoid, The Cycles, Indianapolis 500, Arkanoid, , Lemmings, The Secret of Monkey Island. Prince of Persia, Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders and Tetris Classis

posted by indivararboverx