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[TAS] The True Arena - Kirby Super Star Ultra


This run is optimized for InGame Time as opposed to Real Time. There are several instances throughout the run where I deliberately waste real time while the ingame timer is paused to allow for RNG to advance (most notably, I spend about 30 seconds in the rest area before Kabula).

Overall, the run saves 1.10 ingame seconds over the previous TAS record, and also makes several improvements over some of the boss fights from Sample's more recent fullgame TAS.

Some things to note:
Plasma is used instead of Jet for Lololo & Lalala's Revenge. This saves 8 frames over the previous record.
I spend a very long time before the Kabula fight advancing RNG. This is done in order to manipulate a specific attack pattern from Kabula as well as a specific essence (copy) to appear in the next rest area, since you can't advance RNG during the Kabula fight. It obviously would have been much easier to simply start the run with the MidBoss fight first, so that I wouldn't have to do any manipulation for copy. However, in my testing, I was unable to get the Midboss fight (or Whispy's Revenge) to appear first. I'm not sure if this is a quirk of playing on the Korean version or if I was just getting extremely unlucky when testing. Either way, this ending up being my solution. There's probably a faster/more efficient way to get the right attack pattern/essence, but since I was only focused ingame time, I just guessandchecked until I got what I wanted.
I deliberately delay the last hit of the Kabula fight so that Kabula is as far right as possible and spends less time floating offscreen.

0:00 Kracko's Revenge
0:24 Lololo & Lalala's Revenge
0:45 Dashing in place for 30 seconds to advance RNG
1:15 Kabula
1:28 True MidBoss AllStars
2:06 Whispy's Revenge
2:23 Kracko Jr.'s Revenge
2:35 Masked Dedede
2:52 Wham Bam Jewel
3:19 Galacta Knight
3:51 Marx Soul

#kirby #speedrun #tas

posted by harukoflclsr