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Telephone Screening as a Hiring Tool


Video Highlights:
00:39 Telephone screening is not an interview… think of it instead as a factchecking exercise that bridges your initial resume review and the facetoface interview.

01:10 Phone screens can also be used to sort unsolicited resumes that you’d like to hold for future open positions.

01:32 With every step in the hiring process, phone screens should be conducted in accordance with industry best practices and federal and state law. This means that each candidate should be asked the same set of basic, jobrelated questions to ensure equal treatment.

01:48 It’s a good idea to prepare a phonescreening form or checklist to be used for every job candidate, and take thorough notes. A downloadable sample of this type of form can be found in the Forms & Policies section of the HR360 website.

02:02 Start your phone screen by introducing yourself and explaining that you’re calling to follow up on the submitted resume. Clarify that the purpose of your call is to verify information.

02:28 Move through the candidate’s resume, confirming the dates and duties of previous employment and the reasons for leaving those jobs.

03:06 Because job applicants are protected from workplace discrimination at federal, state, and local levels, you should avoid any questions that might veer into this area. These include inquiries related to gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, disability, marital status, pregnancy, national origin and more.

03:37 Disregard any irrelevant or inappropriate information the candidate may volunteer that could be considered a basis for discrimination… for example, a candidate's casually mentioning that she is pregnant.

04:00 After the screening, document your followup plans and communicate back to the candidate in a timely fashion. If you are not moving forward with an interview, send an email thanking the applicant for his or her interest and, if appropriate, explain that you will keep the resume on file for future consideration.

posted by Noguchihc