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The African Line that will shape the future world. AbidjanAccra Cotonou Lomé - Lagos - Corridor

City Architecture Gang (En)

By 2100, Africa will be home to 40% of the world's population, with particularly rapid demographic growth in subSaharan Africa, especially along the AbidjanLagos axis, a 600 miles stretch of rapidly expanding urban land. This area could become a megalopolis similar to New York and the TokyoOssaka corridor, playing a key role in future global urbanization.

1. Introduction:
0:00 The West African line where every investor should turn!
1:31 Why will this West African coastal line be the golden line of the future world?
2:33 Why will this West African line be the center of the world?

2. Population growth in Africa :
5:05 Rapid population growth in subSaharan Africa.
7:26 Concentration of development along the line between Abidjan and Lagos.
8:22 Focus on Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire.
10:02 Focus on Accra, Ghana.
13:21 Focus on Lomé, Togo.
14:42 Focus on Cotonou, Benin.
16:45 Focus on Lagos, Nigeria.

3. Historical challenges in this region:
18:57 History of currency and language: CFA Franc, Euro, French and English.
21:45 Economists' views on the CFA Franc

4 Other megacities around the world
22:40 Comparison of global megacities similar to the LagosAbidjan coastal line
23:19 Focus on the New York megacity
24:18 Focus on the TokyoOssaka corridor megacity
25:42 What the New York, TokyoOssaka Corridor and LagosAbidjan coastline megacities have in common

4. Urban development and challenges :
27:39 Demographic expansion towards cities.
28:34 Transport and housing infrastructure needs.

5. Sociopolitical and economic issues :
29:35 Political and historical constraints on development.
30:25 Importance of regional cooperation and effective governance.
31:04 Prospects for the future of urbanization in West Africa.

posted by kutrilak7